Friday, October 9, 2015

Discuss a significant person/event/moment/etc. that's had a profound impact on the identity you have today (in other words, pick a specific incident or event that has made you who you are today)

If I had to narrow it down, I think the one most influential person in my life is Mindy Kaling, someone I've never met and probably never will. I'm obsessed with her show, The Mindy Project and look up to her so much. Her character, both in the show and in real life, is so outgoing and open, very different from the way I present myself. She is completely comfortable in her own skin and not afraid to show it, as well as being smart and successful as a doctor in the show and an actress and producer in reality. Normally, I am a fairly introverted and self-contained person. I feel uncomfortable acting "differently" in front of strangers and hate the feeling. Now, when I find myself in situations I normally wouldn't be comfortable in, I try to think of life as a reality show, and I wonder what Mindy would do. It's crazy to think that I look up to someone whom I don't know at all personally so much, yet I feel a strong connection with her. I want my life to be like hers, free and open and not afraid of the world. She faces embarrassment and awkwardness with humor and tells it how it is. This is the person who I want to be, no matter where I go and what I do in life. I don't want to be constrained by societal standards or even my own standards of how a proper person should behave. The way she lives is more fulfilling than I could ever imagine. Since I knew who Mindy Kaling was, my life hasn't quite been the same, I saw that there were more possibilities and that what did it really matter what other people thought of you? No matter how cliched it sounds, it's true: as long as you are true to yourself, you can do anything! I have held myself differently, and been more confident. I don't feel so bad anymore when taking pride in accomplishments I do, and making it clear to others when I feel proud and happy. Although I'm still working on it, I feel as if I have improved and that my life is more fulfilling than ever before. I am a more open minded person, still fairly quiet when with people I don't know well, but it's only been a year or two and I have a long time to strive and reach for the stars.

1 comment:

  1. I also love Mindy Kaling! She was sooooo funny on The Office. Such a great actress and comedian.
